Olympus provides a Dictation Management System (ODMS) software which is designed to create your documents quickly, easily and more efficiently by using your voice. Hence, Olympus‘ dictation hardware and software is the professional team which meets professional needs.
We offer you the choice: Olympus dictation device including ODMS software package for classic documentation – where the transcription of your dictations is done by your typist*; plus we introduce to you a cutting-edge solution incorporating
Clinical Speech Recognition Software from Nuance.
Combined with a professional dictation device (
Olympus DR-1200) your dictations will be transcribed automatically.
An additional advantage of this solution is the ability to train the relevant user profile, so that terms, names, special keywords etc. are memorized by the software and correctly recognized from now on forever. This training of the Speech Recognition can be carried out by authors (e.g. clinicians) themselves, or for even more efficiency, by secretaries performing the
transcriptions, ensuring maximum recognition accuracy and quicker document completion.
The clinical speech recognition contains medical vocabularies covering more than 90 medical specialities and sub-specialities. For best accuracy rates it is important that you select the right vocabulary.